Last edit: 25. june 2010
How To Build A Website
Make Your Titles Dynamic with PHP
Use PHP To Display Page Content
Design a Simple Layout in HTML and CSS
How to Create a Belcher Button
How to Have an Opaque Text on a Transparent Background
CSS Pagination
Generate QR Codes with PHP
Use PHP to Fetch an Album Artwork From Amazon
Check if A Number is Even or Odd with PHP
Implement Simple BBcode With PHP
2 Simple Methods for Finding the File Extension with PHP
How to Str_replace in MySQL
Format file sizes with PHP
Email validation with PHP
Write less PHP code
Get torrent data with PHP
Create an array to use in a tag cloud with PHP
Update multiple mysql fields at once widh PHP
Change the location of your external links with MooTools
Create a Fancy Sliding Advertisment with Mootools
Create A Simple Animated Menu With MooTools
Mootools image gallery scripts
Unlock Your Banned Xbox360 Console
MySQL Version of in_array()
Enable Quick Launch in Windows 7
Minimize Windows Live Messenger to Tray in Windows 7
Improve your Alexa Rank
Choosing colors
Google Apps
Avoid rebooting your machine after a Windows Update
Apple looking Windows
NTFS to RAW problem? TestDisk saves!