How to Create a Belcher Button

If you are wondering what a Belcher Button is, it’s that ugly button that you see on sale pages usually. The one on the thumbnail. Yes, that BUY IT NOW / ADD TO CART button, that people tend to click in order to purchase what you are selling. If you still don’t... 

How to Have an Opaque Text on a Transparent Background

This is what I’m going to show you how to do: This is Kakashi from the Naruto anime. It’s a nice effect that can be used for many things, for a nice gallery or something. You could combine this with some JS, add a hover effect to the picture and have... 

Create A Sliding AD Showing Up From The Bottom *upd 15.06.2009*

Did you ever want to do something like this? An ad showing from the bottom of the screen? Well, today I’m going to show you how to do it, without the need to spend $47 Yay! We are going to do reproduce this by using mootools and some styling. Again, it’s... 


I started reading some tutorials and books about this very nice and simple javascript framework, with which you can do supercool things in the browser. It’s actually pretty simple to use for simple effects and gets complex as you try to do magic with it. After... 

Design A Simple Layout In HTML and CSS (LMAWT, part 1)

Sorry for not writing recently but my laptop decided to stop working and actually it really did stop working. It has some motherboard problems again I guess, keeps dying and the keys in the last row aren’t working (except for y, b and n). So it sucks, can’t... 

Let's Make A Website Together

I thought about a nice and simple project.. I will write a step by step tutorial on how to create a simple website. Why? Because I’m bored and don’t know what to do in my free time. I will show you how to design a simple layout with CSS and how to use PHP... 

The best PHP IDE?

I used UltraEdit and then changed to Notepad++ but decided to start using something more specific for php. I found a site that reviews quite a lot of them, PHP editors review. I downloaded PHP Eclipse (you need Eclipse and then go to Help – Software updates –... 

CSS Pagination

I actually got the idea on Antonio’s excellent blog (Woork) and used his code in some of my sites but it didn’t work well for me, so I wrote something mine that works (I am not saying his doesn’t work, it just didn’t work for me). One of the...