Fetch MP3 Tags from Last.fm Using PHP

Today I’m gonna show you a script that I did for a project of mine that fetches the tags from LastFM and updates the database inserting the top 5 tags from their database and leaves your tags as they are. I believe it could be a lot less messy but I am too lazy... 

Make Your Titles Dynamic with PHP

When developing your website, if you want to rank well in search engines it is crucial that you use different titles for every sub-page you’ve got online. This is because these search engines (Google, MSN etc) love your titles and categorize your site based on... 

Simple Way of Implementing BBCode with PHP

When posting on forums, we usually use BBcode for styling our texts. When developing webpages, if we want to let our users style their profiles but don’t want to give them permission to style directly with CSS or html (<strong> etc..), we could simply use... 

Create A Sliding AD Showing Up From The Bottom *upd 15.06.2009*

Did you ever want to do something like this? An ad showing from the bottom of the screen? Well, today I’m going to show you how to do it, without the need to spend $47 Yay! We are going to do reproduce this by using mootools and some styling. Again, it’s... 


I started reading some tutorials and books about this very nice and simple javascript framework, with which you can do supercool things in the browser. It’s actually pretty simple to use for simple effects and gets complex as you try to do magic with it. After... 

2 Methods for Finding File Extensions in PHP

Two very simple methods for getting to know which is the file extension of the file, using two very simple PHP functions. 1. Method: function end The end function finds the last member of an array. So if we want to get the file extension, we will first explode our filename... 

Format file sizes with PHP

A simple script that formats the number ob bytes of a file to kb, mb, gb or tb. function mksize($bytes) { if ($bytes < 1000 * 1024) return number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . " KB"; elseif ($bytes < 1000 * 1048576) return number_format($bytes /... 

Email validation with PHP

This script is more accurate then a normal validation script. After checking if the email is correctly typed in (@) it checks the domain validity by checking it’s dns records (MX, A and CNAME). A piece of the regex is cut because of my sidebar but if you copy/paste... 

Mootools image gallery scripts

(E)2 Photo Gallery (E)2 Photo Gallery is a open source gallery built with Mootools Javascript Library the compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript framework. Designed to allow you to upload your photos to a desired folder, tell the (E)2 Photo Gallery what folder...