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Da bo zenska z vami srecna, morate biti: 1. prijatelj 2. druzabnik 3. ljubimec 4. brat 5. oce 6. ucitelj 7. vzgojitelj 8. kuhar 9. zidar 10. vodoinstalater 11. mehanik 12. dekorator notranjih prostorov 13. stilist 14. seksolog 15. ginekolog 16. psiholog 18. psihiater 19.... 

A1enska izbir??nost

A1e pred ??asom sm dubu permission ampak se mi ni dalo kopirat ki sm len ko foocks.. Nekje so nedavno odprli trgovino, v kateri so A3enske lahko izbrale in kupile moA3a. Na vhodu so bila izobeA!ena ??onavodila za uporabo???: - Trgovino lahko obiA!??ete SAMO ENKRAT... 

Poor sstone Let’s save him fom the dark forces together! Something more: Don’t cry about not having a good camera, don’t cry about having some bad lenses.. try to do the best with what you have, in the past... 

Lepi Dasa – Kad Polku Zasviram   Ko polko zaigram zbudim podalpske moA!ke in zazibam joA!ke od obale do koroA!ke Nima veze al su buckaste al vitke vaA3no je, da migajo vse slovenske ritke. (celo besedilo) Tle pa balkan verzija  Read More →

Sensitive light

If you like photography i suggest you to check this photographer: sensiti aka Graham Jeffery. His webpage is I love this shot of him (under fav, #14).  Read More →

I want to win a free ipod!

i guess something strange is happening, can you see the pics or does it say that you have to login or sth? :S i put it on public.. dunno.. anyway if it asks for the password, it is ipod.. thanks for your patience is giving away free iPods, movie tickets and... 

The hot art of fine Kissing

Definition: Kiss — the act of caressing with the lips. An expression of love, it is usually regarded as an expression so great that it could place the recipient into a state of complete heavenliness and bliss. Find your favorite pair of lips and try these on for... 

Diana Ross – I Love You Baby

You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off you. You’d be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived And I thank God I’m alive. You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off... 

How the world runs?

Here is a quick reminder of how the world is run! Jack: “I want you to marry a girl of my choice.” Son : “I will choose my own bride”. Jack: “But the girl is Bill Gates’s daughter.” Son : “Well, in that case…” Next... 

Ouverture facile

So i found this riddle game (it means easy opening in french), try it and see how well you think.. Some of images seems psiho to me.. but who cares, real detectives find this type of images every day  Read More →

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