So, i moved onto my newly setup server in located in the corner of my room, a very powerful Pentium 3 450mhz with an amazingly big amount of ram, 128mb! So, new location -> new theme.. you liked the old more? I don’t know which one to put.. That’s it for...
So today i went to take some shots of the stars.. it was cloudy but still nice at the beginning I ordered a remote control for my 350d, i hope to get it till next week and then go do more shooting, yeey! I have to order an “adapter” for connecting my...
I’m too lazy to write anything these days… [poll=5] edit: noone feels great? what’s with you people? where did the good days go? :s Read More →
So i found this riddle game (it means easy opening in french), try it and see how well you think.. Some of images seems psiho to me.. but who cares, real detectives find this type of images every day Read More →
Didn’t even notice the update.. csss!! Its already been 3 months since the last update and still, I feel like I didnt have enough time to create the new version I desired. Well, new versions got to be released one day or another and its a well known facts...
Mario Biondi – This Is What You Are Youtube Lyric Enjoy Read More →
So, at WLM’s blog they explained about the new emoticon: note: currently the donation only applies to Windows Live Messenger users in the United States. If you are in the US and you are IMing with a contact in another country your IM activity will be counted towards...