Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0066 beta

Hm, prasci iz microsofta me sicer niso povabli h uporabi te bete ampak sm vidu na nekem blogu (ne spomnem se kje), da se da pobrat verzija :)

Klik klik.. amm.. to je bolj za une ki radi testirajo, MSG Plus! Live ne deluje, torej ??e mate radi zvoke barve in te smeti ne pobirat tega kr je golo (no, pa?? kar ima msn po defaultu :) )

Js sm si inA!taliral kr sm se ??isto uA3ivel v te beta scene :D Uporabljam Windoors Vista®??c RC1 beta, Office 2007 beta, Firefox 2 beta, ta messenger.. rad mam da se mi sesuva vse skupaj haha :D

PS: apatch je kompatibilen s to verzijo :)

PPS: citat iz bloga messengerjevih developerjev:

Please ignore the build behind the curtain…
Messenger 8.1 is currently under going a private beta – this is to help us find and fix bugs\problems with the up coming release before we release it to the world.

Please don’t install builds if you are not part of the Beta.
Please don’t install builds that are not from Microsoft.
Please do sign up here if you want to be a Microsoft beta tester in the future:

No seveda zdej se tega ne rabite drA3at ampak tko.. haha :D

Ko kurac!

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