Playstation 3 za 10 mio $

Na ebayu folk dela nek ogromen keA! s tem da prodaja svoje PS3-je..

Lihkar sm na tole naletel:

10 miljonov?

Ok, nevem ??e je to blo res, najbrA3 ne, sam vseeno, faak?? Tale je bolj realisti??en.. sam vseeno, 7100 dolarjov?

Ljudje so totalno znoreli za to stvarco.. naj prilepim par novi??k:

A thousand people waited in line infront of Metreon (a big Sony store in downtown SF) causing nearly a few fights and many SFPD cops had to control the crowd. Vir

Three guys walked out of the waiting line of a Circuit City to go in a Target (IÂ’m assuming cause they were getting bored of waiting so they decided to go somewhere to kill time) and got jacked by two dudes at gunpoint. Vir

A 24hr Walmart was closed because of a frenzy that was caused by people trying to find a waiting line for the PS3. Vir

Nekateri so priA!li celo do tega, da so dajali kloA!arjem 100$ na dan da so stali v vrsti za njih, tko da so pol lahk prodali konzolo na ebayu in tako zasluA3li msne pare.. Ampak! Nekaj ga je poA!teno zajebalo in sicer novo pravilo na ebayu: PlayStationa 3 se ne sme prodajat do februarja 2007 in takrat se bo lahko prodalo samo enega.


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