MSG Plus! Live 4.1-neki!!

Ok sm bil trd, bom mal apdejtal:

A new version of Messenger Plus! Live, labelled 4.10, is now available for download. Of course, the first thing to mention is that this version is entirely compatible with Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (which is still currently in beta though, I can’t guarantee anything for the final release). Some bugs have been fixed, interface windows can now display right-to-left text properly for languages such as Arabic, registry settings have been documented, the whole software is more stable, more enjoyable, etc… update now! ;)

To pomeni da v tej verziji Plus!-a ni velikih sprememb, razen te da je kompatibilen z najnovejA!o verzijo Windows Live Messengerja, torej z verzijo 8.1.0106 BETA, katero lahko dolpotegnete iz tukaj.

ps: BETA pomeni da je A!e nestabilno in v fazi poskusa, tko da ne pri??akujte stabilnosti in tega.. ??eprav je stabilno bolj ko uneprejA!nje verzije ki so se sesuvale na 15 minut :P

– staro —

AA nov plus je zunaj, torej za wlm 8.1 pa neki!!

Msno ko svinja!!

Download tukaj!

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