Help me Test my Mailing List System

Help me Test my Mailing List System

I’m developing my very own mailing list system and need you to help me test it :) All you have to do is subscribe to it on the right, it is free, quick and doesn’t hurt (you will also get a verification email, which you should check and click the link included).

Since it’s new I need a lot of people to test the mail queuing and other stuff.

If you would like to be a beta tester (:D), test it and create your own campaigns I can give you access for free.

It is something like aweber but since I don’t have access to it I’m developing it on my own, differently.

Features in v0.3

- add and edit campaigns
- subscribe, verify and unsubscribe
- an automatic email is sent on subscription and verification
- possibility to send an email to every subscriber in the campaign
- you can add links so you can track clicks on them
- email scheduling
- email importing (deletes duplicates and incorrect addresses)
- possibility of embedding the subscription form anywhere
- possibility of redirecting the user to your own thank you page on subscription
- possibility of sending attachments
- html support
- you can attach a file to send when the user verifies his email
- teoretically the mail queue should work if you try to send an email to more then 50 users, but it is untested

Wanna test? Drop a comment!

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