I decided to write a post with some screenshots as it changed quite a bit.. and I have to say it’s becoming sexier at every update they make. And it’s becoming VERY social, as you can connect it with Failbook and MySpace in a few clicks (you get prompted...
Some days ago Microsoft released a new beta version of their widely used web applications like Windows Live Messenger, Mail, Writer etc.. I’m just installing the Messenger and Mail beta, to see what’s been changed and play around a bit, as I like playing...
If you are using Windows 7 and WLM (it comes with the Windows Live Essentials 2009) and you are reading this, it means that the fact that Messenger minimizes only to the taskbar instead of going into the traybar is bugging you. There is a very simple trick to overcome...
The new Plus! edition, fully compatible with Windows Live Messenger 2009, is finally out! This version includes more than 500 updates and most of them (as I noticed) in the skin section of the addon. Go on and download it, it rocks. Download | Changelog Read More →
Today I got the notice that a new version of messenger is available. In my opinion this is the cutest design of messenger ever, a slight difference from the previous beta in the contact list and chatbox but a completely new sign in design and some other little changes. I...
Anybody knows how to remove this stupid option? Hack messenger? Whatever? I searched the web for a solution but nothing.. where are you hackers now when we need you This feature sucks! Read More →