Windows Live Essentials (Messenger) Beta

Some days ago Microsoft released a new beta version of their widely used web applications like Windows Live Messenger, Mail, Writer etc.. I’m just installing the Messenger and Mail beta, to see what’s been changed and play around a bit, as I like playing... 

MSG Plus! Live 4.80.356

The new Plus! edition, fully compatible with Windows Live Messenger 2009, is finally out! This version includes more than 500 updates and most of them (as I noticed) in the skin section of the addon. Go on and download it, it rocks. Download | Changelog  Read More →

Messenger Plus! 4.79 Beta

I’m a little late but.. The Beta version of the most used Windows Live Messenger addon, Plus! is now public. Some of the changes are: better compatibility with the Yahoo messenger contacts, full compatibility with Windows Live Messenger 9 Wave 3 and more. Read... 

Messenger Virus

Again.. if you get a message like: Hey bima_pff check out the pics from the crazy party!! they are nuts LOL! go here to see Don’t go there! AND USE FIREFOX.  Read More →

*updated* Webcam messenger virus

How to remove this virus: After installing, the virus creates two files on your computer: C:\Windows\ C:\Windows\admintxt.txt To remove it, you must delete both files. As it also makes sure to start up when you boot your computer, you must also remove the... 

WLM 9 photo sharing

Anybody knows how to remove this stupid option? Hack messenger? Whatever? I searched the web for a solution but nothing.. where are you hackers now when we need you This feature sucks!  Read More →

Windows Live Messenger 9 beta

The most user Windows Live Messenger addon is availabla for this beta version! Download Messenger Plus! Live here! Spet pišem, neverjetno! Tako, Microsoft je izdal novo beto messengerja in sicer verzijo 9 (14.neke številke). Kaj je novega v tej beti? Lahko uporabljamo...