There you go, a function that will generate a QR Code with the help of a function hosted on the Google API servor.
function generate_qr($url, $size ='150', $imgsize = false, $EC_level='L', $margin='0') { $url = urlencode($url); return '<img src="'.$size.'x'.$size.&cht=qr&chld='.$EC_level.'|'.$margin.'&chl='.$url.'" alt="QR code" width="'.($imgsize ? $imgsize : $size).'" height="'.($imgsize ? $imgsize : $size).'" />'; }
You call it like this:
<?php echo generate_qr(''); ?>
And get something like this:
Try pointing your favorite code reader at it!
PS: I just noticed that it doesn’t work well because of the dark background, try it here.