
Danes (no u??eraj ampak je A!e danes zame) so me obvestili da grem na Finsko!

Hello everyone!

And congratulations! You have been selected to Licence to Move -seminar. I will send you more detailed information later. This is only a brief information to help you to plan your trip.

The seminar will be organised in VierumAi?1ki (Sport Institute of Finland, It is situated on a beautiful SalpausselkAi?1 ridge in southern Finland. VierumAi?1ki is not far from Helsinki – only 130 km from the airport.
Buses from Helsinki airport provide transportation to VierumAi?1ki. You can find some time tables appendix. (more information

If you want to visit in Helsinki center, the easiest way is to take bus 615 (it runs every half an hour) from airport to Helsinki railway station. It takes about 35 minutes to center. From there you can take a train to Lahti. You can find train time tables from

Greeting from sunny Helsinki!

Happy holidays!

-Aleksi Tiira-

Wiii, danes se grem slikat in na upravno enoto, morem si pasuA! nardit haha :D ??ene ne grem prav nikamor :P Ampak sm ful zadovoljen da so me primli.. Finska wiii \o/

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