Currently Browsing: WLM
Msg plus! 4.23 in WLM 9.0

Okej, Msg Plus! Live deluje brezhibno tudi na novi verziji Windows Live Messengerja, ampak se je treba malo potrudit. Postopek: - ugasnite messenger - na googlu najdite program “reshacker” - odprite program - poiA!??ite msnmsgr v windows live mapi (program... 

BACK (in windows live messenger 9.0)

Okay, vem da ste me pogreA!ali! Zadeva je bla taka da je umru server, umrla domena, vse je umrlo uglavnem! AMPAK! Sem nazaj! In se vra??am s supermegamsno novico! Microsoftu so leakali novo razli??ico Windows Live Messengerja in sicer verzijo, ki nosi A!tevilko 9! Kaj... 

MSG Plus! Live 4.22

Evo je A3e nova verzija Plus-a, za ta najnovejA!i messenger (8.5). A new version of Messenger Plus! is already available! the reason? check out… following the leak of an internal private beta version of Windows Live Messenger 8.5, the Messenger team decided... 

WLM 8.5 bet0r

edit 2 (isti dan ko 1 dan kasneje): uno ne dela, check and digg again, uno je sam za beta testerje uradne edit (1 dan kasneje): n?? ve?? ilegalnega! verzijo lahko legalno poberete (in ve?? preberete) na messengersays blogu! Leakali (ilegalno razsirli v... 

Messenger Plus! Live 4.21.270

Nova verzija je zunaj. Kaj menja nevem, se mi ne da prebrat vsega, sam obvestim da je zunaj, v primeru da koga zanima (in vem da vas kr to uporablja vsak!) Changelog Download Lep dan!  Read More →

Problems signing to Windows Live Messenger?

You maybe having problems signing in right now We are working as fast as possible to get it fixed. You can check out the service status here. I know how much it sucks when you can’t sign into Messenger. On behalf of the Messenger team – we are really sorry. I... 

Xbox and WLM

The new xbox 360 will have support for Windows Live Messenger.. Read more about this here I wrote this down just because there is another “hidden” emoticon in windows live messenger and it is an xbox To enable it write (xx)  Read More →

New MSN messenger virus

batch file that removes the virus: (download, extract and run, thanks to Billy) Or so i guess.. it tries to send you a file named “photo“, it seems like this: contact says: HEY lol i’ve done... 

Messenger Plus! Live 4.20 has been released

Didn’t even notice the update.. csss!! It’s already been 3 months since the last update and still, I feel like I didn’t have enough time to create the new version I desired. Well, new versions got to be released one day or another and it’s a well known facts... 

(not so) new secret emoticon in WLM

So, at WLM’s blog they explained about the new emoticon: note: currently the donation only applies to Windows Live Messenger users in the United States. If you are in the US and you are IMing with a contact in another country your IM activity will be counted towards... 

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