
AAA lately sm bil very busy z nicemer, pogledal sm 2 sezone in pol House M.D.-ja in je res fajn, house je car..

Kupil sm si rolico papirja, skozi mesto A!ou sm z njo, jo odnesu bom domol sm si tiho pravil na straniA!??ni pokrov si jo bom nastavil, da mi bo prav prA!la rolica papirja.

Spajkal sm skupaj tole temo, ki je ubistvu krneki, sm se mal u??u cssja in sm se kar velik nau??u.. sm dal tudi neki ajax not, uno ??istilo za posodo al kaj je.. :D zakon..

Supportira tudi Globally Recognized Avatar v komentarjih, torej ??e A!e nimate si nardite hitro account, izberite sliko in ste urejeni, deluje pa z uporabo emaila, nastavite torej email ki najve?? uporabljate pri komentiranju..

Druga??e pa nevem, bom uA!telal A!e mal temo ko se mi bo dalo ki tko je prazno sam nimam idej in se mi res ne da se jajcat bi se reklo :P

Slik v glavi je 9, ??e koga slu??ajno zanima :D

tako pa zgleda una ajax fora, deluje ko ji re??eA! da je ne??esa ve?? (more)..
mal je sicer buggy, zabije spet header in footer texta, morm ustimat.. tralala

- testiram -

An essay is a piece of writing, usually from an author’s personal point of view. Essays are non-fictional but often subjective; while expository, they can also include narrative. Essays can be literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author.

“Science Fiction” redirects here. For the song from the Rocky Horror Show, see Science Fiction/Double Feature. For the television channel, see Sci Fi Channel (disambiguation)

no, no, neki sm pa le poA!timal (upam), A!e live search in par fines pa smo na konju

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