Zasebno: Novice & *

Po dolgem ??asu mi je ratalo.. je spet online, tako kot ??e jih je kdo uporabljal, se mu prav lepo opravi??ujem za downtime :)

O finskem.. Mel se bom fajn! Urnik je tak bol da ki jebiveter, v celem dnevu bomo meli 3 ure skupnih aktivnosti (seminarji in to), ostalo bo A!port in prosti ??as (saune, ogledi mesta in take \o/).

The nearest airport is Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport. VierumA?ki is not far from Helsinki – only 130 km from the airport. There is a bus connection from airport VierumA?ki.

If you want to visit in Helsinki center, the easiest way is to take bus 615 (it runs every half an hour) from airport to Helsinki railway station. It takes about 35 minutes to center. From there you can take a train to Lahti. You can find train time tables from

Takle ane.. nau mi slabo ane :P

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