Why should you increase your Alexa Ranking?
Alexa Rank is based on the level of visits your site recieves from people that have the Alexa Toolbar installed on their system. So why is it important? Since many web developers use this toolbar, this rank has become a very important factor to advertising services like Text Link Ads, ReviewMe and others, which tend to determine the worth of the links you sell on your site according to your Alexa Rank.
DoshDosh suggested 20 quick ways to increase Alexa Ranking and I suggest you reading them. I’m using three of those (the easiest) and I must admit it is working, this blog gained about 600.000 ranks in two weeks and is now gaining like 30.000 places per week (but I guess it’s because it’s easy to come under the million rank) and another site gained more then 9.000.000 places in one week (but again, it was from 17.000.000 to 8.000.000).
What did I do?
Did you ever try to increase your Alexa Ranking? What did you do?