Ali mikro$oft dela nekaj kot je Google video in YouTube?
Preko alerta sm dubu opozorilo (A3e 2 dni od tega sam sm ??isto pozabu), da je A!e v beta stanju.. kakor sm opazu so na razpolago 3 posnetki (mogo??e jih je ve?? sam linkov ni). Da se requestat invite sam to je ko za vse ostale beta programe mikro$ofta, moreA! najprej po??akat da te izberejo in tko..
Upam da me vzamejo v beta program, da se mal zacnem igra??kat s tem, da vidim ??e je ??esa vredno.. kr to ni ko WLM, tle ne dobiA! leakane verzije
Povezava do posnetka 1, posnetek 2
* Soapbox on MSN Video is currently an invitation
only beta well send out new invitations as we
expand access to the Soapbox beta over the
coming weeks and months.
Aha, na CNet-u sm naA!u komentar in opis storitve, prilepu bom sam komentar
In sum, Soapbox is disappointing. It’s a slightly better sharing service than YouTube in some small technical ways, but it doesn’t help users make money from their content like Revver does; it doesn’t have granular privacy controls like Vox; it won’t post directly into blogs for you like VideoEgg; and it won’t show videos from other networks like Yahoo Video. Given Microsoft’s position in the video sharing market (dead last), I expected a more aggressive product.
Ve?? tukaj.