Tomtom eastern europe 715 1689 meta

If you have a problem using the keygen to register the eastern europe map for your Tomtom application, add these lines to the Meta.txt file and try running it again: ;Eastern_Europe_715_1689 42 EE E3 41 9F D0 D9 FC 4E D4 61 C8 46 F5 55 B1 Eastern_Europe-10.meta PS:... 

Get torrent data with PHP

To use this code you first need to include a file with the benc, bdec and hex2bin functions. You can get these functions from here: functions.phps. <?php include 'functions.php'; $torrent_data = bdec(file_get_contents('yourfile.torrent')); To... 

Create an array for a tag cloud in PHP

Everyone tells us how to create a tag cloud with an array.. but how to actually create the array with the data that we fetch from our database? This is how I do it. The table we are working in is “pictures” and the field with the tags is “tags“.... 

CSS Pagination

I actually got the idea on Antonio’s excellent blog (Woork) and used his code in some of my sites but it didn’t work well for me, so I wrote something mine that works (I am not saying his doesn’t work, it just didn’t work for me). One of the... 

Create an Alexa Widget for your site

It is actually very easy: Visit the Alexa Developer’s Corner Select the widget that you like the most and write your site url into the field Copy the code snippet they give you Paste it into your website Do you use the Alexa Widget on your site?  Read More →

How to update multiple mysql rows with PHP

Did you ever want to be able to update a dynamic number of rows in your mysql table and didn’t know how? For example: like on myspace when you edit your photo album, you have a gallery and you list one of your albums with x pictures in it. You want to be able... 

Color meaning

Did you ever wonder what color should your website be? Depending on what the content of the site is, different colors will suit best. I give you a list of colors, their meaning and what the human brain feels when it comes in contact with them. Red Red is the color associated... 

*updated* Webcam messenger virus

How to remove this virus: After installing, the virus creates two files on your computer: C:\Windows\ C:\Windows\admintxt.txt To remove it, you must delete both files. As it also makes sure to start up when you boot your computer, you must also remove the... 

WLM 9 photo sharing

Anybody knows how to remove this stupid option? Hack messenger? Whatever? I searched the web for a solution but nothing.. where are you hackers now when we need you This feature sucks!  Read More →

Violet Hill by Coldplay Live in Bologna

29. september 2008 Prva vrsta, neverjetno doživetje. Rad bi se zahvalil varnostnikom da so bli slepi in so me pustili posnet prvi dve pesmici (na zalost sem tole mal porezal na začetku )  Read More →

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