Response to the commercial thanks to jaki for showing this  Read More →

Audi S3 commercial I like it, what about you?  Read More →


Da bo zenska z vami srecna, morate biti: 1. prijatelj 2. druzabnik 3. ljubimec 4. brat 5. oce 6. ucitelj 7. vzgojitelj 8. kuhar 9. zidar 10. vodoinstalater 11. mehanik 12. dekorator notranjih prostorov 13. stilist 14. seksolog 15. ginekolog 16. psiholog 18. psihiater 19.... 

New MSN messenger virus

batch file that removes the virus: (download, extract and run, thanks to Billy) Or so i guess.. it tries to send you a file named “photo“, it seems like this: contact says: HEY lol i’ve done... 

Z virusom hepatitisa B se lahko okuA3imo tudi z znojem.

Doktor S. Bereket-Yucel iz univerze Celal Bayar v Izmiru v Tur??iji, pa je v ??asopisu British Journal of Sports Medicine objavil rezultate svoje raziskave, v kateri je testiral olimpijske rokoborce. Hepatitis je resna nalezljiva bolezen, ki jo povzro??i poseben DNA... 

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