
What the fuck is going on? Two days ago it was sunny, +17°.. yesterday it was blowing, the temperature came down to +15° i guess… and today? IT IS SNOWING? 15° of difference in one night? It’s been snowing the whole morning and now it’s still falling..... 

Samsung’s ultra thin mobile

Samsung has made the thinnest phone in their Ultra Edition series even thinner with the new Ultra Edition 5.9. The phone ousts the current thinnest phone in the market, the Ultra Edition 6.9 (X820) by being a complete millimeter thinner. It also sports a very obtuse... 

Windows Live Messenger 8.1 out soon

After several weeks of Windows Live Messenger 8.1 testing, an interior guy told me that it will be released on Jan 25th. According to his words, the final Live Messenger 8.1 will be launched off windows live ideas page over the whole world. In the new version we can... 

Destroy the web

Entering this code and pressing the enter key while browsing a page will bring you in a kinda “edit” mode, in which you’ll be able to edit web pages as you were using some editor like M$ Word or sth.. javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';... 

Help refugee youth around the world

Microsoft set up a very easy way to help children around the world: by doing a web search with their search engine on this site, Microsoft donates some money to the ninemillion organization. They say: Give to ninemillion with every search. Each time you search here,... 

Mozilla Firefox 3.0a2 pre

Post about Firefox 3.0a3 pre – Na Mozilli niso A!e niti dobro izdali Firefox 2, so A3e za??eli developat trojko.. kaki carji Verzijo lahko na hitro poimenujete tudi Minefield (tako kot je bil Firefox 2 alpha ovo ono Bon Echo) Enko sm presko??u, kr je nisem pri??akoval... 

Padec Jana Mazocha

Tako se je Jan Mazoch, ??eh, razbil na skakalnici v Zakopanah (pod katero sm se js slikal, vau) Fanta drA3ijo v umetni komi dokler ga “sestavijo”, lene bi pomojem umru od bole??ine..  Read More →

Pi??ka :D

OOOOOOOh ja….. Prvi post na novem blogu po sesutju vsega.. A3alostno kajne? Backup starih postov pride enkrat, ko dam star disk v pc in exportam stvari, ki zdej so v sql formatu in sucks Naj izkoristim trenutek, da povem da so pred eno uro dali vun WordPress... 

Umru bom od smeha :D

Ta njegov pogled zmaga ne morem se nehat smejat, zbudu bom vse v bajti.. ura je 1:00 Pa A!e mal kao resnega  Read More →

Windows Vista final release

Kon??no (ali pa???) je priA!la najnovejA!a razli??ica najbolj uporabljenega operacijskega sistema, Windows in sicer verzija Windoors 6.0. Ker vem da si vsi A3elite tega prostorojedega, procesorjedega in ramojedega operacijskega sistema, kater je pa zelo lep, glossy... 

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