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So finally the new version of WLM is out, and non beta! What’s new in this version? - improved compatibility with windows vista - bug fixes - 8 new languages (bulgarian, croatian, estonian, latvian, romanian, serbian latin, thai and ukrainian) That’s it,...
Ooook it was not Himalaya, it was SneA3nik We are heroes anyway, you know.. So today we took a day off (because we work very hard every day, 12 hours per day of physical and psihological work) and decided to go hiking (not hitchiking ). So we started our tour at...
Prvi A!olski dan v neki ameriA!ki srednji A!oli. U??iteljica predstavi novega u??enca Suzukija iz Japonske. Za??ne se u??na ura in u??iteljica spraA!uje: Sedaj bomo videli, koliko poznate ameriA!ko zgodovino. Kdo je rekel ‘Svoboda ali smrt’? TiA!ina, samo... Read More → Read More → Other movies: Paris Hilton in bed Paris Hilton in bed 2 Paris Hilton in bed 3 Paris Hilton Topless Paris Hilton in bath (part 2) Paris Hilton in bath (part 3) Paris exposed website And yes, this is really Paris Hilton Read More →
The first of February we turn off the lights between 7.55 and 8.00 PM! Send this message to as many people as you know! An action against the climate change. Take on February 1st part in one of the biggest actions against climate change forced by the people. L’Alliance...
Windows Live Mail moves to M9 Beta.. What’s new in this release? It faster then before.. a lot faster Next, comes news from Ben that “classic mode” which came about in direct response to feedback, and first appeared in M5, will now be the default...
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